But then I did break my ankle while moving in so no climbing ladders for me. Then there was the sprained ankle and the two torn achilles tendons and the surgery to correct them. I CAN WALK AGAIN! I have even gone over 10k steps several days in the last month. I did say my goal was to be walking by the 4th of July. Every now and then I get twinges in the right ankle but nothing bad.
OK enough of that.
Heard a story about where the saying "Keep Portland Weird" originated. It was from the Y2K time. For those who don't remember "everyone" thought that when the clock struck midnight on Dec 31 1999 the world would end. All computers would shut down. There were bumper stickers everywhere that said "Keep Portland Wired". Either someone made a batch with a misspelled word or did it on purpose but "Keep Portland Weird" was coined. I think it certainly fits.

Last Sunday was the annual naked bike ride in Portland. Didn't participate!! But over 10,000 did.

But big deal. They were already smoking it on the streets.
Supposedly you can't do it in the open and I heard they were going to erect a tent for them to gather in. Guess it wasn't big enough.
Since Kaitlyn Jenner came "out" there have been cross dressers, transvestites all over. Some with mustaches and beards, hairy legs, etc.
The "homeless" and street kids seem to be multiplying like rabbits. Walking to work in the mornings I pass groups laying on the sidewalk in sleeping bags, wrapped up in blankets. I just don't get it.
Tomorrow I will hopefully start my next and second to the last project in the house. I have an appt with a builder to "tear down that wall". I think I have the layout down and now I just have to finish figuring out the cabinet inserts.
Photos to come.